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ext. 05250367
Trained in Jewish Kabbalah
I am an awakened Twin Flame. I am trained in Jewish Kabbalah. I am clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairvoyant. I give no-tools readings, tarot card readings, and angel card readings. I am assisted by Archangel Micheal.
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About Me
After meeting my Twin Flame, I had a full-blown Kundalini awakening. I have had psychic gifts since I was a child, but this brought about a whole new level of awareness for me. I am an expert in Twin Flames and Awakenings now. I know about the 5 stage awakening process, and helping people connect to their higher self. Other than that, I also work in the entertainment industry and I enjoy helping people manifest their personal destiny. Let me help you make your dreams come true!
Career & Work Destiny & Life Path Love & Relationships Money & Prosperity Past Lives
Skills & Methods
Angel Readings Aura Cleansing Chakra Cleansing Dream Exploration Tarot
Advisor Interview
How and when did you first find out about your 'psychic abilities'?
I have had these gifts since I have been a child. I have always had a strong connection to spirit. My gifts have always helped me excel in the arts. I have always been a gifted artist and creative writer.

How was it growing up with these special skills. Are they natural talents or did you study and develop them?
I was identified as having autism by a teacher once, but my mother refused to get a diagnosis. Even though I have always been quite religious, people accused me of being a natural born witch during High School and College. It's because I always just knew things. I have fully studied and developed my talents since then. I practice Kabbalah meditation. I studied at the Academy of Spiritual arts.

Do you think anyone can develop psychic skills?
Absolutely. I am also currently an improviser, and this is kind of what I do. I help people develop their psychic skills. I also love training people how to give readings, and teaching them sensory management skills. I know all about awakenings.

What type of mentality do you think it takes to develop these skills?
The ability to accept yourself and to accept reality. When your mind starts to awaken, it's actually not all the psychic stuff that will creep you out. I mean, you might feel like you are going crazy but it's really not all that bad. It's the reality that will destroy you. It's called "The Dark Night of The Soul" for a reason, trust me. It feels like you are spiritually going to hell.

Are you able to turn your psychic abilities 'on' or 'off' when you want to? Do you have any rituals to turn them 'on'.
No, unfortunately they are 'on' all the time. However, I learned meditation techniques to keep the energy in my aura field cleared out. Once you learn how to clear out your aura field, it's not all that bad. I have also learned how to focus. Taking improv classes have also helped a great deal with that. I am able to focus on 10 things at once now, and process all the information.

How did you get into doing psychic readings?
My roommate in college taught me. Once word got out that I could give readings, I was giving everyone readings. However, I didn't focus myself until recently due to Christian guilt. Since I went through the awakening process, I had no choice. I am Jewish now.

What happens during a psychic reading?
Whether you realize it or not, your subconsious mind connects to mine and it starts sending me messages. When we agree to have a reading we sit down together and I am very honest about what I am seeing, feeling, sensing, and sometimes hearing. The Tarot Cards are there to help you feel more comfortable quicker, so we can get to that point a lot quicker.

What is your primary tool for divination? What is your specialty?
Away from doing this, my primary tool is using pictures. I can read auras pretty well. I do most my readings through FB chat, even if I know the person. I have to meditate on it first to get a really good reading. I am like, "I'll get back to you." For past lives, meditation is the only way. For basic life advice and direction, I use Tarot Cards. For sensing soul pains blocking the awakening, I use meditation.

Can you communicate with spirits who have passed on?
Absolutely, but I don't want to advertise that because most spirits really are at peace. If they are not at peace, it will come through during a basic reading. I can pick up on it. I can help people deal with the grieving process.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your abilities or a good experience?
One thing that I specialize in that most others don't is quickly helping people identify their soul pains. I can save you a whole lot of money in therapy. Let's figure out what all those are and help you release them so you can feel at peace.
About User914003 & Love and Relationships Advisors
User914003 has been a PsychicCenter guide since 2019. By receiving intuitive guidance in the Love & Relationships category, User914003 has helped clients find peace and tranquility within PsychicCenter's completely secure and confidential platform.
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