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Psychic Medium Clairvoyant, Clairaudient
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About Me
First and foremost I am a Medium and feel extremely blessed that God has given me the ability to connect with your loved ones to bring you messages of peace and comfort.

Also blessed with being clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient as well as intuitive and empathy, I can clearly see, hear, and feel the energies that are with you and around you. I look forward to giving you guidance in the aspects of your life regarding, finances, career, love, relationships and family. If you have any blocks we will work through those together to remove them.

I have given guidance to some of Hollywood's elite and professional athletes and I also teach a spiritual development class and lecture on many metaphysical subjects including Angels and raising vibrations.

I have been a psychic medium since the age of 3 after a tragic event and have done readings for many years. I am well versed in the Angel tarot or oracle cards and can use these upon your request. So what does your future hold, let's explore this together and see if we can move forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Many blessing and may the grace of the angels follow you always.

Advisor Interview
Ever wanted to meet your favorite advisor? Get to know her or him a bit better? From time to time we will bring you interviews with PsychicCenter advisors. Here is where you can read how they found out what special gifts they have, how they developed their skills, and why we think they are so good at guiding us on our life path. If this interview inspires you, just give them a call.

How and when did you first find out about your 'psychic abilities'?
I actually was 3 years old when I started with out of body experiences, however at 3 I wasn't aware of what it was. It was at the age of 7 that I knew what was happening. It was a tool I used to free myself from dramatic occurrences.

How was it growing up with these special skills. Are they natural talents or did you study and develop them?
I didn't have a problem growing up with my abilities, I found it quite natural as I am a 3rd generation sensitive, however it wasn't talked about much. My abilities have all been natural and I have not studied at all. All my abilities are God given and I have been taught how to tune in with my angels and guides by my angels and guides.

Do you think anyone can develop psychic skills?
We all have the gifts, however some of us are more in tune with our abilities than others. Some never want to tune into their abilities so they are not aware they are there. Therefore it is my belief that we all can develop our gifts or abilities if we want.

What type of mentality do you think it takes to develop these skills?
It is very important to be open minded, non-judge-mental, and unconditional. Meditation is very helpful.

Are you able to turn your psychic abilities 'on' or 'off' when you want to? Do you have any rituals to turn them 'on'.
I am not sure you turn them on or off, but have times you are more in tune with them. For me I just accept it as being part of your life. Without knowing it there are times you don't hear anything and times you feel that you are always hearing them. Taking time to meditate helps us to be calm and quiet and at those times you could considered it turned off I would think. I enjoy speaking with my angels and guides so I usually stayed tuned into them. It is nice to see and hear the perspective from the next realm of life.

How did you get into doing psychic readings?
Even as a child I would tell others about things happening around them but to actually sit with someone one on one to read for them has been about 20 years. Friends told me that it was nice if I would read for others and give them understanding and help of life's path. It just got started as others brought friends and family members to see me and from there it grew into me reading at expo's and privately.

What happens during a psychic reading?
It is different for all psychic how they do a reading, for me my guides and angels talk with the client's guides and angels and then use me as the vessel to relay the message. Being clairaudient, clairsentient, and clairvoyant I can see hear and feel my angels and guides as well as the energies surrounding the client. This helps me to be able to get a clear message beyond this realm. I always meditate for a short period before doing readings and I pray that I am used as a vessel to deliver the message of peace and comfort and important information the client needs to give them a clear understanding of what is going on in their life path. I also ask for protection for myself and client that no spiritual, emotional or physical interference be allowed in during the reading and that all ego be removed and a message of what is the highest good for the client is what is received. The information is very confidential and I hardly ever remember a reading. I remember what touches my heart, what is embarrassing, and what is funny, other than that I have no memory of the persons reading. I feel this is because it is not my thought pattern that is giving the information so it is hard to remember what you are not thinking.

What is your primary tool for divination? What is your specialty?
I am well versed in the Angel Oracle cards as well pendulums. I am a medium and use this ability to help me in my readings. I can and will use the cards if this is what the client?s option would be. I also get angel numbers and there meaning for the person I am reading for.

Can you communicate with spirits who have passed on?
As a medium I can connect with spirits and souls that have passed to a higher realm. I do this through the feelings I get in my heart charka. I feel extremely blessed that I have been given this in-sight from God to be able to do so. I take no credit for what I do.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your abilities or a good experience?
I have been led by God to teach a spiritual development class and very much enjoy it. I also have had paranormal experiences throughout my life and I am a paranormal investigator. I do house cleansings and blessings. An experience that really touched my heart was a gentlemen that came to me for a reading and this little girl spirit came to me to talk to him. It was his daughter that he and his wife had lost due to a miscarriage. I kept hearing the number 5 and ask him what the number 5 meant to him. I could see the little girl at age 5 and she was dressed in a pretty frilly dress that was pink, had a white apron on the front with a big pink silk bow tied in the back and long flowing blonde curls. After the reading the gentleman got up and said I would like to show you something, he turned his leg towards me and on his calf was a tattoo of a little girl in the exact dress I could see in the reading with long flowing curls. He then told me that his wife lost the baby at 5 months along and that was the importance of the number 5. It is such and honor and pleasure to help others and read for you and I am very touched when someone ask for my guidance. Love, Light and Blessings and may the grace of the angels follow you.
About Becca & Love and Relationships Advisors
Becca has been a PsychicCenter guide since 2014. By receiving intuitive guidance in the Love & Relationships category, Becca has helped clients find peace and tranquility within PsychicCenter's completely secure and confidential platform.
PsychicCenter has been a source for trusted answers and high-quality service from the best psychics available since 1999. Today, PsychicCenter is the leading exclusive community for online psychic readings and intuitive guidance and insights.
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